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Do you have any dreams?

Writer's picture: Sage Martin AKA Youngsta BleezySage Martin AKA Youngsta Bleezy

Well quit dreaming and wishin', take action n make that shit happen!

Hey #Kings and #Queens! It's ya boy, Bleezy. This week my question for y'all is, what is your number one #dream? Dream #lifestyle, #career, your main #passion... Cuz that's what you should pursue in life. If you aren't doing what you love, why not? Because you have security in your job?

I believe if you aren't doing what you love and pursuing your passion, you're wasting your life in stress, unhappiness, and unfulfillment. I challenge you right now to look for those things, do them, and find ways to #capitalize on 'em. Believe in yourself and your #talents. Take #action!

I have these visions I've had for over a year now, since I was in the county #jail. I decided back then over a phone call with my mom that I was gonna move down to #Jacksonville, right by where she lives. I knew it then that I was for sure about it. Then I started getting #Florida signs all over. Football games, in #books, even the cereal in the kitchens came from #Miami. Every day, week by week was constant signs that I should follow through and move to Florida.

Who would've thought a year later I'd be in the position I'm in now. I'm the CEO of a business operating in #Duval County, Florida... and I'm still incarcerated in #Boise, Idaho. For 3 and a half months I've been sleeping in a bunk where above me is a light on the ceiling which has 2 palm trees from underneath and a blue sky. There's never been a doubt in my mind about Florida, about #CashoutKings Lifestyle, our #success, being able to #inspire the streets, and do #positive work in the world.

Don't ever give up on your dreams, but do yourself one better and actively pursue making them a reality. What's the point of life if you ain't tryna live your best, most ideal #life?

'Til next week, I love y'all

Peace, love, n God bless

Sage Martin AKA Youngsta Bleezy, CEO

Cashout Kings, LLC

PO Box 1836, St. Augustine, FL 32085

(904) 650-8366

Institution: Idaho State Correctional Center

Inmate ID # 137391

PO Box 70010, Boise, ID 83707

You can reach me directly on the JPay app



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